Dreamsaver 2025 Winter Price Promotion Ts&Cs

  • Promotional code is only valid for the dates specified on the promotional materials, i.e. from 00:01, 1st January until 00:00, 17th February 2025.
  • Promotional code must also be used at the time of purchase.
  • Promotional code is not valid in conjunction with any other voucher code or offer, unless otherwise stated.
  • Promotional codes are only valid on specific products.
  • Promotional codes only apply to base policy pricing.
  • Promotional code is not valid and will not be applied to the following items/categories:
    - This promotional code does not apply to medical screening premiums.
  • We reserve the right to decline orders where, in our opinion, promotional code is invalid.
  • Only one promotional code can be used per order, per person.
  • In the event of product refunds, you will be given for the value of the original purchase, i.e.: With applied discount. Not at the RRP of the product.
  • We reserve the right to change these Terms and Conditions at any time and without further notice.
  • We reserve the right to withdraw this promotion at any time and without notice.